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Why Should You Invest in a Share of Pastured Pork?

Why Should You Invest in a Share of Pastured Pork?

Are you looking for a way to support your health, the environment, and your local community?

Consider an investment in a share of pastured pork from a local farmer!

Pastured pork is pork that is raised on pasture, with plenty of room to roam and forage for food.

This is in contrast to factory-raised pork, which is often raised in confinement and fed a diet that may not be optimal for the animal's health.

But why choose pastured pork over conventionally-raised pork?

Here are three key benefits of going local and pasture-raised:

Health Benefits

Pastured pork is a nutritious and wholesome source of protein and healthy fats.

Studies have shown that pastured pork is leaner and higher in vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and beta-carotene than conventionally-raised pork.

In addition, pasture-raised pork is often free from antibiotics and hormones, which are commonly used in factory farming.

Environmental Benefits

Supporting local farmers who use sustainable and ethical farming practices is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

By choosing pastured pork, you are supporting farming practices that are good for the environment.

Pastured pigs help to restore and maintain soil health by naturally fertilizing the land.

This can lead to improved soil quality, which in turn can help mitigate climate change and promote biodiversity.

Economic Benefits

When you purchase shares of pastured pork from a local farmer, you are supporting your local community.

By buying local, you are helping to maintain small farms and family-owned businesses.

In addition, purchasing shares of a whole pig can be a cost-effective way to buy high-quality pork.

When you purchase a whole or half pig, you can save money over buying individual cuts, and you can also enjoy cuts that are not typically available at the grocery store..

Oftentimes you have the ability to customize your cuts, as well!

When you purchase shares of pastured pork from a local farmer, you are making a long-term investment in your health, the environment, and your community.

By supporting sustainable and ethical farming practices, you are helping to create a better future for all of us!

So next time you're considering purchasing pork, choose pastured pork from a local farmer.

Your taste buds, your wallet, and the planet will thank you!

See you on the farm!

Your farmer,


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