Welcome to our family farmstead. Hope you have a nice stay!
Did you know that regenerative farming can actually sequester carbon out of the air and into the ground? This is why I now say we are “grass farmers.” Yes, we raise horses, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and pigs. But the cornerstone to doing all of that while also helping the environment is… grass.
Grass absorbs carbon dioxide the same way trees do, but on a smaller scale. Through photosynthesis, each plant takes carbon from the atmosphere and uses it to build more plant matter. However, unlike forests, grasslands sequester most of their carbon underground, while forests store it mostly in woody biomass and leaves. If wildfires cause trees to go up in flames, the burned carbon they formerly stored is released back to the atmosphere. When fire burns grasslands, however, the carbon stored underground tends to stay in the roots and soil, making them more adaptive to climate change.
Animals rotated through pasture are able to fully express their true nature. Chickens can be the omnivores they truly are, and in doing so, they help rid the farm of bugs, pests - and of high importance on a horse farm - fly larvae and flies. This eliminates the need for pesticides and significantly reduces the need to use chemical fly sprays and de-wormers on the horses themselves. Our pigs rotate through our woods clearing out the underbrush, allowing sunshine in, and disturbing dormant seed beds with their rooting, thereby assisting us with building new growing and grazing areas.
As the animals rotate through our fields, they leave behind manure, which fertilizes our soil and eliminates the need for chemical fertilizer. Having a diet rich in insects improves the immune system of chickens, keeping them healthy while also reducing feed consumption. The exercise from grazing greatly improves meat quality in both poultry and pork. By rotating and grazing a variety of animals on one pasture, each animal eats different plants and grasses, thereby eliminating the need for herbicide use. Our pollinators thrive. The animals we consume have not themselves consumed chemicals. We feed them locally-sourced, non-GMO supplemental grains, reducing the carbon footprint from hauling mono-cropped grains in from around the country. We process our chickens ourselves humanely on-farm.
Imagine if we all supported this form of food production with our grocery dollar! How much healthier would we be? How greatly would our morals as a society improve in our treatment of animals? We could feel good about the world we are leaving our children, and we could be here - healthier - longer with them to enjoy it.
Discover the exceptional quality of Foxfire Farm's pastured, woodland pigs with our pork share option. Our pigs are given the utmost care and respect, living in a habitat that prioritizes their well-being.
We believe in the importance of rotational grazing, which involves moving our pigs to different areas of our farm regularly. This not only provides them with fresh and diverse food sources but also benefits the soil and vegetation by creating a "vibrant disturbance." Constant movement gives our pigs exercise - which contributes to the juiciness and succulence of their pork - and helps reduce the risk of pathogens and sickness. The fresh vegetation keeps our pigs content. Additionally, pastured pork offers a denser and more balanced nutritional profile compared to conventionally raised pork.
Order your 1/4, 1/2, or whole hog share today for on-farm pick up in Brandywine, MD!
Welcome to Foxfire Farm’s Egg Subscription! Enjoy the freshest, most nutritious eggs from our happy, healthy flock of pastured, non-GMO-fed chickens.
Our hens roam freely on rotationally-grazed, no-spray fields, ensuring they have access to a natural diet and plenty of sunshine. The result? Delicious, golden-yolked eggs packed with flavor and nutrients.
How It Works:
Choose the subscription plan that works best for you:
Full Subscription: Receive one dozen eggs weekly for pick-up at our farm in Brandywine, MD.
Partial Subscription: Receive one dozen eggs every other week for pick-up at our farm in Brandywine, MD.
Subscription Sessions:
First Session: March 8th, 2025 – July 12th, 2025 (18 weeks)
Second Session: July 19th, 2025 – November 22nd, 2025 (18 weeks)
By subscribing, you’re not only treating yourself to the best eggs around, but you’re also supporting sustainable farming practices and a local, family-run farm. Join us in celebrating the joys of fresh, farm-to-table eating!
Sign up today and experience the difference that pasture-raised, non-GMO eggs can make in your kitchen. We can’t wait to share the bounty of Foxfire Farm with you!
We're thrilled to announce we are now offering eggs from our pastured NPIP-certified hens! We offer a gorgeous rainbow of eggs from our hens who are fed a balanced diet, creating eggs that are vibrant both inside and out.
Eggs are L/XL.
1 dozen eggs per package
Order today for on-farm pick up in Brandywine, MD!
Did you know that pastured duck eggs might just be the superfood you've been searching for?!
These delicious gems are not only packed with flavor but also loaded with health benefits that can make a real difference in your and your family's well-being!
Pastured duck eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, have anti-inflammatory properties, and are an alkaline-producing food - one of the few foods that leave your body more alkaline, which is a great benefit to cancer patients.
Trust us, your taste buds and your health will thank you!