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Why Backyard Laying Hens are Worth the Effort

Why Backyard Laying Hens are Worth the Effort

Our LGD, Tristan, watching over our chickens.

Imagine starting your day with the simple joy of collecting fresh eggs from your backyard.

The warm, speckled treasures nestled in the straw are a testament to your efforts.

These are not just any eggs! They are fresh from your backyard hens, rich in flavor and packed with nutrients.

Raising backyard hens may seem like a daunting task, especially for a busy mom, but it's one of the things that brings so much pleasure to my day.

In this article, we'll explore the many reasons why backyard laying hens are worth the effort.

From the nutritional superiority of fresh eggs to the environmental and ethical benefits, we'll guide you through the rewards of raising your own backyard flock.

Let's embark on this journey together, one egg at a time!

The Nutritional Superiority of Fresh Eggs

Fresh eggs from backyard hens are a cut above the rest. They are more nutritious than their store-bought counterparts.

They haven’t been traveling for weeks to reach their grocery store destinations.

The yolks are richer, the whites are firmer, and the taste is simply unbeatable. This is due to the varied diet and natural lifestyle of backyard hens.

Many are unaware that chickens are omnivores!

They need the protein from the insects and small rodents they consume when they are pastured, and the quality of their eggs reflects this fact.

So, when you serve your family eggs from your backyard flock, you're not just serving food. You're serving health, freshness, and a piece of nature's bounty.

Starting Your Backyard Hen Journey

Embarking on the journey of raising backyard hens is an exciting endeavor.

It's a step towards self-sufficiency, a healthier lifestyle, and a deeper connection with nature.

But, like any journey, it requires some preparation and planning.

You'll need to understand local regulations, choose the right breed, and set up a suitable coop.

Understanding Local Regulations

Before you start, it's crucial to understand the local regulations about keeping backyard hens.

Some areas may have restrictions on the number of hens you can keep, while others may require specific housing conditions.

It's always best to check with your local council or homeowners association to avoid any potential issues down the line.

Choosing the Right Breed

Choosing the right breed of hens is another important step.

Some breeds are known for their high egg production, while others are more adaptable to different climates.

Researching and selecting a breed that suits your needs and environment will ensure a successful and rewarding backyard hen experience.

Setting Up Your Coop

Setting up a suitable coop is essential for the welfare of your hens.

It should provide protection from predators, shelter from the elements, and enough space for the hens to roam freely.

You can read our Chicken-Keeping 101 tips for making sure you hit the ground running with happy, healthy hens.

Remember, a happy hen is a productive hen.

So, invest time and effort in creating a comfortable and safe home for your new feathered friends.

Our daily Easter egg hunt never gets old!

The Daily Routine of Raising Hens

Raising backyard hens is not just about the fresh eggs.

It's also about the daily routine of caring for these delightful creatures.

This routine can be a source of joy and fulfillment, a chance to slow down and connect with nature.

One of my favorite evening activities is to sit with my livestock guardian dogs and a glass of wine and watch my chickens play - we call it Chicken T.V.!

Despite our hectic daily schedules, integrating hen care into your daily routine can be surprisingly manageable.

With some planning and organization, it can even provide a much-needed break from indoor tasks and digital distractions.

Feeding and Health Care

Feeding your hens a balanced diet is crucial for their health and egg production.

This includes a mix of grains, greens, and kitchen scraps, along with fresh water every day.

We love to use locally-sourced, whole grain feeds like Homestead Harvest.

Egg Collection and Enjoyment

One of the most fun parts of raising backyard hens is the egg collection!

It's a simple pleasure that never gets old - a daily treasure hunt that brings joy to both our toddler and ourselves.

And then there's the enjoyment of eating fresh, organic eggs from your own backyard.

Whether it's a sunny-side-up breakfast, a homemade cake, or a simple boiled egg, the taste and nutritional benefits of fresh eggs are truly unbeatable!

The Environmental and Ethical Benefits

Raising backyard hens is not just good for you and your family - it's also good for the planet.

By producing your own eggs, you're reducing food miles and contributing to a more sustainable food system.

Sustainability and Food Miles

Every egg from your backyard is an egg that doesn't need to be transported from a distant farm.

This reduces carbon emissions and helps combat climate change.

Plus, your hens can help with garden pest control and provide high-quality fertilizer, further enhancing your home's sustainability.

Having backyard chickens for leftover scraps significantly reduces food waste.

Backyard hens are a small but meaningful step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

They're a testament to the possibilities of small-scale, ethical food production.

Ethical Animal Care

Raising backyard hens also allows you to ensure that the animals providing your food are treated well.

You can provide your hens with a good quality of life, plenty of space to roam, and a varied diet.

This ethical animal care is not just good for the hens - it's also good for you, knowing that your eggs come from happy, well-cared-for hens.

Healthy animals create healthier food.

It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Integrating Hen Care into a Busy Lifestyle

Raising backyard hens might seem like a big commitment, but with a little planning, it can easily fit into a busy lifestyle.

The key is to establish a routine that works for you and your family.

Once you've set up your coop and gotten your hens, the daily tasks of feeding, watering, and egg collection can be integrated into your morning or evening routine.

It's a small investment of time that pays off in big ways.

We like to automate as much of it as possible - with a $15 auto water valve and some waterline, we never have to haul water or worry that our chickens have run out on especially hot days.

An automatic coop door and a feeder that stores a few days’ worth of grain can make chicken care a breeze.

Routine and Time Management

The daily routine of caring for hens can provide a predictable and comforting rhythm to busy lives.

It's a chance to step outside, breathe some fresh air, and connect with nature, even if just for a few minutes.

And the best part? This routine can be shared.

If you have children, they can help with the tasks, learning responsibility and gaining a deeper understanding of where their food comes from.

Involving the Family

Raising backyard hens can be a rewarding family activity.

It's a chance for everyone to work together, learn together, and enjoy the fruits of their labor together.

From collecting eggs to watching the hens peck and scratch in the yard, there are plenty of opportunities for fun and education.

It's a hobby that's not just fulfilling, but also beneficial for the whole family.

Community and Sharing the Bounty

Raising backyard hens doesn't just benefit your family - it can also foster connections within your community.

Sharing your fresh eggs with neighbors is a simple act that can spark conversations and friendships.

Fostering Community Connections

When you have a surplus of eggs, why not share them with your neighbors?

It's a great way to introduce them to the delights of fresh, organic eggs.

Plus, it's a wonderful opportunity to share your passion for sustainable living.

Inspiring Others Through Your Journey

Your journey with backyard hens can inspire others.

Whether it's through casual conversations or sharing your experiences on social media, you can encourage others to consider this fulfilling practice.

It's a chance to spread the word about the benefits of fresh eggs and the joys of connecting with nature.

I love the variety of colors that the different breeds offer!

Raising backyard hens is a journey filled with rewards.

From the nutritional superiority of fresh eggs to the joy of connecting with nature, it's an experience that enriches your life and contributes to a sustainable lifestyle.

It's a commitment, yes, but one that brings countless benefits.

For busy moms seeking a fulfilling hobby, a healthier diet, or a way to teach their children about nature, backyard hens are indeed worth the effort!

If you are ready to start your flock, we have started pullets available in our online store!

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