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Homage to the Working Dogs

One of the things you ask me most often is how we are able to keep our pastured chickens safe from predators.

When folks think of getting a flock of their own, they have visions of happy hens frolicking and free-ranging around their garden.

But so frequently, people come to us to purchase our started pullets because their entire flock has just been wiped out.

Around here, we are blessed with flourishing wildlife, but that doesn't always translate to safe pastured chickens.

We have foxes, racoons, possums, skunks, weasels, hawks, owls, and coyotes, among other predators - everything likes chicken!

Yet we all know how exceptionally important it is to have our chickens on grass and receiving the benefit of the varied diet provided by the greenery and bugs, as well as the exercise and fresh air.