
Welcome to our family farmstead. Hope you have a nice stay!

Our Values

Our Values

At Foxfire Farm, our horses’ health and happiness come first.  From many years of experience with these incredible animals, we do believe that horses – much like humans - prefer to have a purpose in life and a job that they enjoy and are good at.  We carefully select the horses for our trail program based on their personalities and experience, and we work with them in training regularly. 

We also know that many trail riding facilities will run their horses into the ground for a buck and have them working 7-days a week on back-to-back rides on the same loop, nose-to- tail, day in and day out, until they can’t squeeze anything more out of them.  These horses often then run through an auction aged, injured, or in poor health with few prospects for the rest of their life.  Many people comment how horses at trail barns such as these often appear almost zombie-like.   

We have a far different approach at Foxfire Farm.  Our horses are our number one priority.  We know that every cent and ounce of love that we pour into our trail horses will be repaid to us tenfold by our animals.  We take care of their bodies and needs, and they take care of you - our guest. 

Our horses receive regular equine kinesiology tape (Equi-Tape) therapy, chiropractic care, Masterson Method and massage therapy, cold laser, and even acupuncture.   They are on diets customized to their breed, body type, age, and individual needs.  They receive farrier care every 4 to 8 weeks, are seen regularly by our veterinary team, and have visits with the dentist twice per year. 

We also limit our horses’ workload to ten hours per week, and the rest of the time, they are turned out in their grass pastures with their herd mates.  We provide them with variety – each is available for monthly on-site half lease for two one-hour rides per week, which ensures they have their own, dedicated person loving on them, spending quality time with them, and exposing them to new activities – perhaps a jumping lesson in the arena, a cow-cutting clinic, or a local show.  We also vary our trail paths throughout our rides based on the horses, the rider group, and our goals for the day. 

As a result of these efforts, our horses are mentally stimulated, versatile, fit, healthy, and happy to enjoy working with our guests, and after they have given us so much, our beloved horses enjoy lifelong retirement with us here at Foxfire Farm.

Homage to the Working Dogs

Homage to the Working Dogs

Here's One Way to Give Your Daughter or Son the Gift of Self-Confidence.

Here's One Way to Give Your Daughter or Son the Gift of Self-Confidence.